Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Parts is Parts"

Not to 'beat a dead horse' (idiom), here are a few more 'Points of a Horse' and beyond.

- downloadable - Anatomy charts
- downloadable - pdf - Vet notes
- The above sites have great downloads so here is a free plug for them.
About Dechra - Dechra is an international veterinary pharmaceutical company providing a wide range of therapeutic solutions in equine medicine, dermatology, endocrinology, ophthalmology and critical care. - www.dechra-eu.com

- clickable 'Parts of the Horse - Points of the Horse' image
- There is a wealth of information on this site. Shorten the URL to, http://horses.about.com/, bookmark the site, then you are on your own. I have read and do read a lot from this site. It is a good place to start. There are many trails of links to follow here.

- 'Word Seek Puzzle' (Parts of the Horse and Foot)
- Hay! Shorten the URL (http://deannesweb.com/horses/index.html) and find "Level 2 Horsemanship Tutorial" - A fun site with starter information. Pages are short, so be sure to find the 'next' link in the upper right corner.

- a 'fill-in-the-blank' quiz with answers
- shorten the URL and go to their home page

- a crossword puzzle game

- a mouse over image

- a downloadable pdf jigsaw puzzle  - 4H project

- a downloadable pdf 'Points of a Horse'

- 'Points on a Horse' game for the younguns

- games puzzles and quizzes

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